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  1. Marijuana could hurt the cells in my brain.

  2. It causes memory loss.

  3. Marijuana makes it harder to think.

  4. It makes it harder to learn.

  5. It could make me depressed.

  6. It will give me red, bloodshot eyes.

  7. People can become dependent on marijuana.

  8. I don't like what happens when people get high.

  9. People who smoke marijuana are often forgetful.

  10. They may make bad decisions.

  11. Marijuana will make me tired.

  12. It will make me eat when I'm not hungry (the munchies).

  13. The munchies might make me gain weight.

  14. It make some people afraid (paranoid!).

  15. Panic attacks aren't my idea of fun.

  16. I don't want to feel out of control.

  17. I won't feel as motivated.

  18. It might make me feel lazy.

  19. My schoolwork might suffer.

  20. I want good grades.

  21. Marijuana has cancer-causing chemicals - just like tobacco!

  22. Smoking marijuana can weaken my lungs.

  23. It can give me a chronic cough.

  24. It may hurt the cells that protect me from disease.

  25. I don't want to get sick all the time.

  26. If I smoke marijuana, I might not do as well at sports.

  27. I'd rather play baseball than get high.

  28. It can hurt my balance coordination.

  29. I might not be able to skateboard as well.

  30. If I drove while high, I could get into a car crash.

  31. In most places, marijuana is illegal.

  32. I don't want to risk jail or fines.

  33. I'd get into trouble with my parents.

  34. I might get in trouble at school.

  35. It might make it harder to get a job.

  36. Everybody is NOT smoking marijuana.

  37. My friends don't smoke marijuana.

  38. Even if my friends do, I don't have to.

  39. I've got better ways to spend my money.

  40. Marijuana might make me do things I'll regret later.

  41. I might say something embarrassing.

  42. It can change how I feel.

  43. I might say yes to sex (when I mean to say no).

  44. Marijuana won't make me more popular.

  45. It could make people respect me less.

  46. I know marijuana won't solve my problems.

  47. It might make my problems worse.

  48. Getting high is a waste of my time.

  49. I've got more important things to do.

  50. I'm choosing me, not drugs.

50 Great Reasons to say

NO to Marijuana

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