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High School

Derek Wood

Derek Wood is the president our Interact Club at Sheehan High School which works closely with the Rotary Club in providing valuable community service. He is such a dedicated president and works closely with the Rotary Club of Wallingford and Rotary International Youth of America. Derek has volunteered so much of his time not only coordinating community events for our Interact Club but also in participating in all of these community activities as well including Fishbein Road Race, Celebrate Wallingford, Leaf Raking for the Elderly, Holiday for Giving, and Toys for Tots. Derek is so committed to doing his best for the club. He is such a great role model for the students at Sheehan but also for the human race. He is so giving of his time and puts other people's needs before his own. He is a true leader, and I am glad he is the president of our Interact Club.

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