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Yalesville Little League

Ray Gomes

This write-up is in support of recognizing Ray Gomes for the Coalition's Champions for Youth Award. The paper notes the long service Ray has provided to Yalesville Little League and the many tasks he does supporting the league and its players. Ray started his Yalesville Little League involvement around 1989 coaching for his son David. He joined the Board of Directors a few years later. Then around 1996 when there was an opening for President, Ray was encouraged to run for the position. He accepted the position with the intent of serving as President for only a year or two, and some 20 years later he is still President. Ray does all the things that are expected of a President – communicate with District and Little League, communicate with the other Little Leagues in the District, and lead all the local functions including providing support for each of the division commissioners, player agent, field director, umpire in chief, concession stand commissioner, treasurer, equipment director, and run meetings. Ray also does many other things in support of Yalesville Little League and its players that don't necessarily fall within a President's job description, some are listed here. Ray reaches out to player families who are in financially tight situations and ensures the player has the opportunity to play, even offering to pay if the league wasn't going to cover. Ray provides direction for the scholarship director and committee to ensure the league still evaluates and provides scholarship awards to deserving Senior applicants. Ray follows through on each accident incident to ensure both the injured party and Yalesville LL are covered. Ray reaches out to people to get involved and support the league, whether joining the board or getting them to provide some specialized support in need by the league (such as
individuals working on the sprinkler systems or getting a piece of machinery repaired).
Ray performs his “job“ 12 months a year. Many people perform their roles just during certain times of the year, but Ray works year round for the league and its players. For example, many of the Board members provide a lot of support during the regular Spring season, but disappear during the Fall. With many of these people not available, in the Fall Ray helps with registration, player evaluations, team selections, league interfaces, and even field preparation every Saturday and Sunday morning. Ray is very deserving of being recognized with the Coalition's Champions for Youth Award. Above were only some of the items Ray has done on behalf of the children involved with Little League. Ray has served continuously on the Yalesville Little League Board for many years and has gone above and beyond on behalf of thousands of children participating in the Little League.

Angela Gerzabek

Angela has been the Player Agent of Yalesville Little League for 12 years even though her own children have graduated from Little League. In her capacity as Player Agent she is an advocate for all 300 players our league. She registers every player, oversees the assembly of the teams and makes sure each child is on the team where they will be most successful.

Greg Gerzabek

Greg has been the Equipment manager of Yalesville Little League for 15 years. He maintains our equipment inventory, orders uniforms, baseballs, and equipment and distributes it to all of our teams. He does this even though his own sons have graduated from Little League.
Greg also helps, almost daily, with our field maintenance and facilities upkeep.

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