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Little League

Joseph Mirra IV

Joey Mirra is now a young man, but he has been a part of Yalesville Little League for over 12 years.  Even when Joey was a player he would drag a rake around the field doing his best to keep it smooth by raking the footprints left by the players.  He knew that a smooth field holds no water so it would handle any rain that might occur.  Joey stayed on as he grew older.  He continued to work on the fields and in the concession stand, when he turned 12 he started umpiring games.  All through high school Joey kept up his involvement in YLL, that is practically unheard of in this day and age.  Joey would volunteer to work on the fields, in the concession stands and umpire games.  What many people didn't know is joey did all this even though he was dealing with some issues of his own.  Both physically and visually, he has never uttered a single complaint.  He comes down to our fields at Parker Farms and does what he can to help us.  When he could no longer umpire he joined our Board of Directors so he could stay involved.  In a way Joey Mirra is far and away the best all star Yalesville Little League has ever had.

Bill Donegan

Bill Donegan has been a board member of Yalesville Little League for 18 years, and for 18 years he has been our field director.  In that capacity Bill maintains our facility and he is a volunteer.  When he first started he has several people who would help him, but over the years people moved on and it became increasingly more difficult to recruit people to prepare the fields for games, mow the grass for out 5 acre facility, paint dugouts, repair vandalism, plant grass, put down sod, fill in sink holes, pick up trash or empty the trash cans.  So with no one to help him Bill just quietly continued on doing it all by himself.  For the last 4 or 5 years Bill has prepped the fields for play, raked, lined and mowed for every game, Every Day, from April to the end of October.  Bill is literally an irreplaceable volunteer.  If that work wasn't enough, when he finished preparing the fields he washed his hands and goes to work in our concession stand, working on the grill flipping burgers and hot dogs.  We do our best to thank Bill, but his efforts deserve greater recognition.  Please consider Bill Donegan for this prestigious award.  

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